The Hartley Photographic Collection

This collection of sepia-tone photographs of logging and sawmilling operations of the Hartley family from the early 1900’s was gathered together by Edward Harley Anderson, a great grandson of Roland Hartley. Edward Hartley Anderson’s mother, Jean, is pictured in the family portrait posed in front of the Governor’s Mansion in Olympia. She is the little girl dressed in white, who is held in the arms of her father, Edward Hartley, at the extreme left in the back row.

Edward was graduated from the University of Washington College of Forest Resources in 1981 and worked for a consulting firm in Toppenish, Washington, that specialized in logging engineering and general forestry. While Edward was a university student, he also worked in summer logging operations. Hence, he developed an interest in his heritage and assembled this collection of photographs for various members of the extended family.

This oftentimes intimate collection of family portraits depicts Roland Hartley’s early adventures in logging about Snohomish County, which eventually contributed to the construction of this fine mansion in 1910, when he became mayor of Everett. His local business and political efforts provided the stepping stone to the Governor’s Mansion, where he served as governor of the State of Washington for two terms, 1924-1932. You will note that some of the descriptions are in quotes written by Roland Hartley, whereas others are have quotation marks with no author mentioned. In the majority of instances, the quote is probably attributable to one of the Hartley’s sons, Edward or David, or other family members. Those photographs without any specific message were described for us by Edward Anderson.

As already mentioned, this collection of photographs depicts the Hartley family’s involvement in logging operations centered around Snohomish County in the first decade of the twentieth century. In the following decades, the family enterprises prospered and spread throughout the Puget Sound Basin and Olympic Peninsula, entailing multiple logging companies, mills, and rail lines.

Hopefully, you will enjoy this photographic collection that Edward Anderson has so meticulously assembled.
(1984 Pages 1-8; 2009, Pages 9-11).

Sanford Wright M.D.

When first built around the turn of the century, the Clark-Knickerson Lumber Company, of which the Clough and Hartley families were part owners, was one of the most innovative and advanced mills on the West Coast. By 1910 it was cutting 230,000 board feet every 10-hour shift. The sawmill was located where the Scott Paper Company now stands. The Clough-Hartley Shingle Mill was the world’s largest producer of red cedar shingles in the first and second decades of this century with the capacity to produce 1.3 million shingles and 80,000 feet of cedar siding in a 10-hour shift. This mill stood near the site of Everett’s present marina.

everettneuromasteruser2017The Hartley Photographic Collection